Page 9 - WOTS_Issue_69
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ou. Yes, you. Are you a man? Don't answer that
because chances are, you're probably a student and are “Change is's not easy and it
being referred to as a young man, or young adult while won't be instantaneous. It will take a lifetime
in reality you feel like a boy. Like a little kid who isn't of trusting, walking with God, confessing
quite sure how you managed to make it this far into
college, maybe you're about to graduate and you don't and repenting of sin to become the sort of
Y qualified at anything. You might feel scared, not
sure how to adult or deal with the real world without the comforts
of college life. And if you're just entering college, you'll get to that difficult book to comprehend and retain, and it's a quick easy read
point one day. Good. Then there is a book for you that may just give to help you on your way to becoming more of the man God would
you a little nudge in the direction of manliness. Not what society have you be. Understand that you will need to change, and
says being a man looks like, but finding true manliness in a world of recognize that that is good. “Change is's not easy and it
counterfeits: to be a man like Jesus Christ. If you're not a man but in won't be instantaneous. It will take a lifetime of trusting, walking
fact a woman, please, by all means, continue reading. It may just with God, confessing and repenting of sin to become the sort of
help you pick through the bravado and chaff to find an authentic, men God has called us to be. True manhood doesn't mean being
biblical man. Welcome to: The Dude's Guide to Manhood, written perfect ourselves; it means trusting in Christ's perfection for
by former St. Louis pastor and current chaplain, Darrin Patrick. us" (158).
Patrick grew up possibly a lot like you, always being told to 'be a Unless you're perfect (which if, you're honest, you know you
man' without fully knowing what it means to be one, not to aren't), there is most likely something you can take away from this
mention not always having a man in his life to show him how it's book. Read it. You
done properly. But by reading this very simple and easy to could finish it in a
understand book, you'll learn some very practical, almost common weekend and it
sense things that will help you along the journey of life. This book
could give you some
may just give you a kick to stop and take a look at your life and
very practical help
where it's headed as opposed to where you would like it to go. It
in becoming a more
just might help you find some direction. And where better to get
directions than from a map: "A man without a map will be a man Godly man.
without a heart; he'll lack both passion and compassion. A man
without a map will be a man without a spine; he'll lack both
conviction and courage" (18,19).
The book starts out very practically, telling boys to stop the excuses,
figure out what needs to get done, and, when life starts to get hard
as it undoubtedly will, fight and be determined to persevere instead
of hide. Seems easy enough, right? The Dude's Guide will take you Patrick, D. (2014). The
Dude's Guide to
step-by-step through the character of a man and help give you the Manhood: Finding true
motivation to hopefully turn you into a disciplined man. It all manliness in a world of
culminates on Jesus, the perfect man. Look to Him, follow Him, and counterfeits. Nashville:
Thomas Nelson, An
do as Jesus did to develop the manly, get-it-done, waste-no-time,
Imprint of Thomas
on-mission, discipline of a man, manly man. Oh man. It's not a Nelson.