Page 14 - WOTS_Issue_69
P. 14
much better than the eternal pain of regret. It’s not just Factory Settings
about knowing your current situation is terrible, or If you’ve ever tried to reset a computer, it will ask if
being discontent with your circumstances; it is a you’d like to keep some of your old stuff - documents,
realization that God is right and you are wrong. It pictures, personal items on the computer, or do a
becomes more than book knowledge or a distant complete clean sweep and return to factory settings.
childhood memory when you finally realize, for yourself, When it comes to God, it’s no different, but if you
that God is infinitely good, and you are incredibly bad. choose to keep your old stuff with you, like your old
This change of mindset means looking at God and ways of thinking, desires and habits, you will eventually
yourself differently. If this change of mind is sincere, it wind up right back where you started. So, take a deep
will naturally lead to a reset. breath and do the complete clean sweep. By totally
giving up all of your own ideas, thoughts, and desires in
“Quite simply, you’re restless, and you don’t order to be filled with His ideas, thoughts, and desires,
understand why you are when you have you will be able to fully enjoy what God has for you. This
is what it means to be filled with His Holy Spirit. Instead
things you only dreamed about as a kid.” of having a strained and distant relationship with God,
you can now experience knowing Him as a Father, Lord,
Savior and friend. Your actions, that are now contrary to
“How to…” your individual desires, won’t be forced; they will have
Just like resetting a computer, there are a few steps naturally changed because of His Spirit within you.
necessary for coming back into a full relationship with “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
God. First, you must realize that God does want you old things have passed away; behold, all things have
back. Jesus once said, “There is joy in the presence of become new.”
the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” If you
are coming back to Him humbled and sincerely sorry, He As you hear from God by reading His Word and prayer,
is not standing with arms folded across His chest, your actions will begin to reflect those of Christ’s.
tapping His foot in anger, waiting for an explanation Finding a church, a community of believers, where you
from you. If you sincerely believe you are in the wrong, can involve yourself and be challenged and encouraged
confessing that to God and asking for His forgiveness by other Christians is vital in this process as well.
will come naturally. He will hear you. This is more than Undergoing a life reset through belief in the truth of
just saying “sorry.” This is a kind of sorry that is felt Jesus will never equate to ease and comfort, but it is
deep in your soul and will cause permanent change. A guaranteed to bring you untold purpose now that your
second part of this is to make things right with friends, eyes have literally been opened to the truth God has
family, and whoever else was hurt because of your always longed for you to see.
wayward straying. This is not as easy sometimes as
asking for forgiveness from God because now your Lifetime Guarantee
mistakes are public, which is a humiliating thought since So where are you? Browsing for downloads that will
we as humans are all too concerned with what people lead to eventual system failure? Or by God’s grace are
will think of us. But God tells us to do this in the Bible, you sitting there reading this knowing you desperately
and rather than beating down that wide path again to need a reset? No matter where you are, there is hope.
follow your own nose, decide to obey His command Simply seek God. Now, do not take God flippantly and
even though it’s hard and uncomfortable. Make things think that no matter what you’ve done He will take you
right with the people around you, no matter how foolish back so you might as well do whatever you want. This is
you think it will make you look. urgent; it’s literally a matter of life and death. He might
not give you another chance; we are not guaranteed
another day. Don’t delay. There will be much rejoicing
in heaven, and in your own life also. In the words of
Jesus, “There will be more joy in heaven over one
sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons
who need no repentance”.
Luke 16:13
Luke 15:10
James 5:16
2 Corinthians 5:17
5 Luke 15:7