Page 13 - WOTS_Issue_69
P. 13

SYSTEM FAILURE                                          but now that you’re already into the second semester of
                                                              school,  you  can’t  say  for  certain  that  you’re  the  same
                                                              person  you  used  to  be.  Going  to  your  first  party,
      It all begins with browsing, doesn't it? When you sit down   compromising long-held relational guidelines, and joining
      at a computer to figure things out, you inevitably will press   yet  another  student  organization  has  seemed  more  like
      a  few  keys  and  surf  a  few  sites  until  you  gain  enough   college  benchmarks  than  your  idea,  really.  Whether
      confidence  and  knowledge  to  know  what  you’re  looking   consciously or not, you have begun to push God out of the
      for. So too with the college experience. Uneasy at first, you   picture. You have already decided you know best when it
      move in, make a few friends, and experience new things.   comes to life direction, not God. You’ve stopped reading
      Pretty  soon  you're  going  places  and  doing  things  you've   your Bible; all the warnings in it obviously don’t apply to
      never done before. Some of them are things to be proud   you.  All  the  advice  it  offers,  you’re  already  too  wise  to
      of,  while  others  are  quite  shameful.  If  that’s  you  and   follow. To make a long story short, your relationship with
      you’re concerned about what God thinks of you nowadays,   God has grown cold and stale. The truth is, you can serve
      it  can  be  easy  to  convince  yourself  that  it’s  okay  that   God, or whatever else it is that you’re distracted with, but
      things have changed. After all, you’ve grown up a lot, and   not both. "No one can serve two masters. Either you will
      the real world has no place for naivety. College is meant   hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to
      for experiencing and experimenting. It’s the chance to try   the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God
      on some new identities and figure out what fits. There are   and money."

      “When you allow yourself to stop                        Virus

      for a minute and think, you know                        Sometimes, despite the best intentions and research you
                                                              do  before  downloading  something,  you  can  end  up
      life shouldn’t be this chaotic and                      downloading a spammy, virus-y item anyway. That’s how
      empty all at once.”                                     “good”  or  “temporary”  experiences  can  end  so  badly.
                                                              Whatever  it  is  that  you  have  downloaded  can  gain
                                                              complete  control  over  your  life  and  cause  total  spiritual
                                                              deprivation. All decisions required of you are built around
      so many different options to choose from. You may have
      given  yourself  entirely  over  to  your  studies,  or  you  may   whatever it is you have given yourself to. You do not have
      have made your  way  into  the  party  scene. You  could  be   any option anymore. Maybe you are still tricking yourself
      dating  as  many  people  as  possible,  or  at  least  dabbling   into thinking that you do, and that you just always choose
      with a few. You’ve made your choices. And that is where   this thing because you like it. But in reality, whatever it is
                                                              that  you’ve  pursued  and  thought  would  bring  you
      the  danger  is.  Pursuing  normal  things  like  education,  a
      career and a relationship, is faulty at best when it’s done   fulfillment and a sense of purpose is actually sucking the
                                                              life out of you. You’re feeling emptier than ever when your
      apart from God.
                                                              whole  goal was  to find  fulfillment  and  your  place  in  this
      Quite  simply,  you’re  restless,  and  you  don’t  understand   world.    It’s  ironic  that  what  started  out  as  a  journey  to
      why  you  are  when  you  have  things  you  only  dreamed   enjoy  the  freedom  of  finding  yourself  has  led  to  total
                                                              captivity and a deeper disquiet than ever before.
      about  as  a  kid.  This  aching  for  something  that  seems
      forever elusive is because God created you and knows you
      better than you know yourself. Following your own nose  The Reset
      because  you  “got  this,”  will  never  satisfy  what  you’re   Diagnosis
      longing for.  Following Him is actually the sanest thing you   Have  you  ever  been  startled  awake  from  a  dead  sleep?
      could ever do.                                          You  are  so  shaken  up  it  takes  you  a  few minutes to  get
                                                              your  bearings.  That  is  kind  of  what  it  is  like  when  God
      Downloads                                               grabs ahold of us. He shakes us awake to realize what a
      When you download something from an email attachment
                                                              mess we have gotten ourselves into. Now, if God has ever
      or  a  font  from  off  a  free  site  somewhere,  you  are   brought  you  to  this  point,  even  if  it  is  a  painful  and
      committing to it. In order to hit the download button, you   humiliating  experience,  it’s  something  to  be  forever
      have had to make the decision to trust its source before   thankful  for.  Without  God  allowing  you  to  come  to  this
      you  really  know  what  you’re  getting.  The  hazy  space   realization, you would be stuck on this wandering road for
      between “trying things out” and “just doing my Saturday   the  rest  of  your  life,  not  knowing  there  is  something
      thing” is eerily similar. Usually this process begins slowly,   different  for  you.  The  temporary  pain  of  realization  is
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