Page 5 - WOTS_Issue_69
P. 5
He lives simply and invests time with people in the community.
He serves the poor and the sickly. He visits those who are in
prison. He meets people where they are. He teaches. He
counsels. He is full of wisdom. He often spends time in
solitude. He is compassionate, forgiving, and merciful,
slow to anger, joyful, just, humble, and kind. He gives
hope to those who are hopeless and oppressed. He
loves everyone but NOT everyone loves him.
Oh, Blown away…
a world where everyone craves appreciation, So how do we
affirmation, acknowledgment and acceptance, many follow Him, or
of us have easily fallen into the trap of trying to be shall we say,
someone else and following another’s shadow. We "How to be you, po?". First, we must come to Him. When
concentrate so much effort on imitating someone else we desire to come to His presence through prayer and
that our identity is tied up with who we admire and our through His Word, the Bible, He will allow us to see that
standards of living are influenced by their lifestyle, looks, without Him we are sinners desperately trying to live
status, position, possession and reputation. fulfilled lives apart from Him. We need a Savior because
we need saving. Second, He gives us His Holy Spirit in us
"How to be you, po?" echoes into so much of how we to empower us to not only change to be more like Him,
see ourselves. This trending meme is usually spoken to but the desire to do so, too. Third, the faith that we have
someone we esteem more highly than ourselves and in Jesus will change our perspective, shift our focus and
who is worthy of our gradually transform our
appreciation and of The only way we can ever be hearts, minds and lives.
praise. But have we satisfied in this life is to learn
paused and thought Once that happens, we
about what this phrase how to be like someone who is cannot contain the power
says about our lives? the exact opposite of our of His work in our lives.
nature and character. Following Him is not the
There is One who is same as someone who
known and great and powerful who has called us to wears a mask that covers their face for a period of time
follow Him. If you haven't met Him yet, or maybe you to give a temporary identity. When we have faithfully
have heard of Him but do not fully know Him, His name followed Him by His grace, our identity will be rooted in
is Jesus. One renowned follower of Jesus was called Paul. Him eternally and the desires of our hearts will no longer
He said in one of his letters to, "Imitate me, just as I also be anchored to things that are just fleeting and
imitate Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). This phrase was temporary in this world.
spoken over 2,000 years ago, and exposes the fact that “How to be like Jesus” is a life-giving invitation to all who
the phenomenon of trying to be someone else is not
desire to follow Him, honor Him and love Him. Are you
new. The only way we can ever be satisfied in this life, excited to follow Him and to be like Him?
however, is to learn how to be like Someone who is the
exact opposite of our nature and character.
Jesus has called us to follow Him, but is it possible?
Honestly it takes a lot of effort to follow someone who is
far superior than us, right? But, it is true. It is possible by
faith in the power of God.