Page 6 - WOTS_Issue_70
P. 6
that appears for a little time and then
vanishes. Instead you ought to say,
“If the Lord wills, we will live and do
this or that.” As it is, you boast in
eat them or they'll beat the fun until you run out of hours to your arrogance. All such boasting is
B nerves out of you. "Kanus-a finish your month-long assigned evil. So whoever knows the right
diay ang deadline, ma'am?" Often we project. In the everyday life, thing to do and fails to do it, for him
hear this line from most students we moreover, it may look like a pile of it is sin." Work on what needs to be
know who claim they work better unwashed dishes or a bag full of dirty done and refuse to relax when a
under pressure. Sometimes the clothes to wash, and they grow and need arises. It is all a matter of
answers to these questions give grow as you stuff your hands into discipline and renewing your
leeway for procrastinators to that bag of chips and your eyes linger mindset.
dilly-dally or to be complacent. long on that favorite movie series
Procrastination is a matter of choice. online. And oh! “Bing!” You missed Beat this villain’s call! How? Let me
Once we get the memo, we have an one more Facebook notification on tell you my personal favorites:
idea of the time left on our hands to your mobile device.
accomplish the task. There are some 1. Keep your phone in Wonderland –
who opt for delay, thinking highly of Procrastination grows out of habit that place far, far away!
what they assume they are capable and less out of laziness. Habits are Yes, let it linger with the fairies and
of accomplishing in the most formed, developed, or done as a the big bad wolf for a while. That
convenient time for them, neglecting routine. It is more of a slow slide friend can wait. Tell them ahead of
factors like quality and excellence. than a sudden drop down to the time so they will know how serious
dead end. you are with what you have to finish.
According to Wikipedia, It is for your sake and for the sake of
procrastination is the avoidance of You also show complacency, your priorities.
doing a task that needs to be assuming you have later to do it. You
accomplished. It is the practice of don't know the future, but by 2. Snacks are your new shadows.
doing more pleasurable things in procrastinating, you assume the role Bring all the snacks you need near
place of less pleasurable ones, or of God. Knowing that our time is you. Add your caffeine friend with
carrying out less urgent tasks instead short brings clarity to our daily them so you’re up, up, and awake!
of more urgent ones, thus putting off priorities and helps us order each day
impending tasks to a later time. In and work hard for the glory of God. 3. Stay awake while you’re awake.
college, however, procrastination James 4:13-17 says "Come now, you We could use a real good doze off
pretty much looks like a moment at who say, “Today or tomorrow we will dream world with our eyes wide
the internet cafe before a major go into such and such a town and open. Are you the creative type? This
exam, or a “note”-less notebook and spend a year there and trade and could be a sure challenge for you.
at least a dozen of notifications from make a profit”— yet you do not When that rabbit flies or that fish
that weekend trip to the mountains. know what tomorrow will bring. comes crawling down that rainbow,
Pretty pleasant for a moment, pretty What is your life? For you are a mist you’ll know you got to get back on