Page 13 - WOTS_Issue_70
P. 13

GO HOME &                            What  is  he  doing?  What  do  they  think  I  should  do?
                                                                  Why  do  we  do  that?  Because  we  live  in  a  world  of
                             TELL GOD EVERYTHING
                                                                  insecurities, comfort, and unfortunately, we all have a
                                                                  knack for looking out for ourselves first and foremost.
                             Oswald  Chambers,  who  wrote  the   As humans, we’re made in the image of God and yet
                             well-known  devotional  My  Utmost   we’re full of garbage. The Bible would call this garbage
                             for  His  Highest,  once  shared  a  story
                                                                  “sin.” The good news is that God did something about
                             about  a  woman  he  met  after      it by having Christ die on the cross for all of the things
                             preaching  one  day.  After  a  service   that make us fall short of God’s glory and goodness.
                             that  particularly  struck  this  woman,   Trusting in Jesus’ righteousness gives us the time and
                             she  approached  Chambers  to  say,  “I   the  passion  to  dream  big  because  we  aren’t  tied  to
                             must  tell  you  everything  about   this world anymore.
                             myself!”  Chambers  replied  by  asking
                             if  she  had  ever  told  God  everything   If  we  were  created  by  God  and  for  God,  then  that
                             about  herself.  When  she  said  she   means there is something God has planned for you to
                             hadn’t, Chambers encouraged her to   do in this life. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “For I know the
                             do  just  that.  He  also  said
                             that  if  she  still  felt  she
                             wanted  to  tell  him,  she

                             One  hundred  years  later,
              we could ask ourselves the same question
              Chambers proposed to that woman. Have
              you  ever  told  God  everything  about
              yourself?  If  no  one  in  the  world  has  ever
              told  you  that  the  God  of  the  Universe
              wants  to  hear  from  you,  I  would  be
              honored to be the first. God wants to hear
              from  you!  He  wants  to  hear  about  the
              things  you’re  passionate  about  and  He
              wants  to  hear  about  the  things  you  just
              can’t stand about the world. He wants to
              hear about what you want to do with your
              life, even though He already knows. More
              than  anything,  God  wants  to  be  close  to
              you  because  He  made  you.  Colossians  1:16  tells  us,
              “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on   plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for
              earth,  visible  and  invisible,  whether  thrones  or   good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a
              dominions  or  rulers  or  authorities—all  things  were   hope.’” This means that God has laid out work for all
              created through him and for him.”                   of  us  who  choose  to  follow  Him.  Those  who  are
                                                                  Christians  call  this  mission  given  by  God  a  calling.
              GLORY & GARBAGE                                     Calling is what God wants you to do or become.  In his
                                                                  book The Call, Os Guinness writes, “As modern people

              You heard that right. God made you on purpose, for a   we are all on a search for significance. We desire to
                                                                  make  a  difference.  We  long  to  leave  a  legacy.  We
              purpose.  We  were  made  to  be  dreamers,  but  in
              reality, we like to be comfortable. We settle into our   yearn,  as  Ralph Waldo  Emerson  put  it, ‘to  leave  the
                                                                  world a bit better.’ Our passion is to know that we are
              nice  little  lives,  don’t  take  too  many  risks,  and  hope
              for the best. We do as closely to what we think the   fulfilling  the  purpose  for  which  we  are  here  on
              people around us would expect of us, not wanting to   earth...Answering  the  call  of  our  Creator  is  ‘the
              rock too many boats or break too many social norms.   ultimate why’ for living, the highest source of purpose
              We look to the people around us to give us answers   in human existence.”  We can trust that God’s plans
                                                                  and dreams for our lives are better and more fulfilling
              for how we should live our lives. What is she wearing?
                                                                  than our own.
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