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One Girl’s

I grew up in a Christian home. I         because I so desperately wanted to       of people so willing to be my friend in
    knew most of the stories in the      feel loved. Unfortunately that need      spite of how I looked to them. I
    Bible, church was a weekly event,    didn’t stop with him. I talked loudly    never saw people so enraptured by
    and my parents raised me to          and swore to get a reaction from         the Word of God. I never saw people
know Jesus Christ. I do remember         anyone. I dressed provocatively so       with such close relationships with
the day that I became a Christian. I     people would look at me. I was           God. I didn’t know how much I
was about 7 years old and I was          miserable, depressed, exhausted,         wanted that until I saw it in other
crying when Mom asked me what            angry, selfish, and lonely. I excused    people. I know now that God used
was wrong. I asked her if Satan was      my sin because as long as it felt good,  them to get through to me. He
stronger than God because I felt like I  it didn’t matter. I lived selfishly      showed me glimpses of what my life
just couldn’t be good. She sat by me     because my only desire was to please     could be like if I lived for Him.
and told me the Gospel message: I        myself.                                  Suddenly, all the pointless things I
was a sinner, we all are, which is why                                            searched for in the world seemed less
we do bad things that hurt others,         I came to college and faced the        appealing. My outward appearance
but we don’t have to live that way.      same challenges for two more years.      was not so important. It didn’t
Jesus paid for our sin and took it       I was reluctant for others to get        matter how much people liked me.
away when He sacrificed Himself on       involved with my life. Out of            Boyfriends, clothes, money, and
the cross. He died instead of me so      obligation, I started going to church    labels meant nothing to me anymore.
that I would be blameless before a       at Jesus Fellowship of Believers in      I stopped excusing my sin and
perfect God and could one day be         Menomonie and slowly things began        acknowledged how it not only hurt
with Him in Heaven. I understood it      to change. I had never met a group       God, but it also hurt me and those I
as much as a child could and prayed                                               loved. God was offering me
to accept Jesus’ gift of salvation.                                               something much better.

  I do believe that I was saved that                                                It hasn’t been easy. Rebuilding a
day, but my life was not perfect.                                                 broken relationship with someone
Growing up, I experienced a lot of                                                takes time and patience. I have to
rejection, failure, and loneliness. I                                             ask God for discipline and desire for
only felt affirmed when I was the                                                 Him every day. God has called me to
center of attention. It became easier                                             Himself, not because I’m a good
to seek after the affections of others                                            person, but because He loves me and
rather than rely on God. In high                                                  wants me to be with Him. I have
school, “Christian” was just a way for                                            done nothing to earn God’s love and
me to label my holier-than-thou                                                   salvation, but I have accepted it
attitude. I did not read the Bible and
I did not follow Jesus. I had                                                            wholeheartedly. The Bible says
essentially abandoned my                                                                     that He is going to do great
relationship with God because it                                                               things with me and sthat
seemed too tedious and too                                                                      He has an amazing,
boring, and traded it for the                                                                   perfect plan for my life. I
people around me. I had a                                                                        have a purpose. I’m not
boyfriend who was                                                                                   alone anymore. I have
particularly horrible, but                                                                            found great love.
I allowed myself to be                                                                                  - Natalie
taken advantage of
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