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There are decisions we make that could change our life something, and that’s
forever. What high school should I go to? Should I run for something that Jesus is all too
student council? To whom should I give out my heart? Is he/she familiar with.
the one I should marry? Warriors or Cavaliers? Kapuso or
Kapamilya? And the list goes on and on. Aside from building the
Kingdom of God, Jesus spent a
One decision we often face as young people is, “What course lot of His youth working with
should I take up in college?” his hands as well. Before Jesus
began His ministry of
Even when we were still in kindergarten, we’d often been preaching the Word of God,
asked this question, “What would you like to be when you He worked with His earthly
grow up?” And as we wore our little lab coats, mini army vests, stepfather, Joseph, as a
oversized business suits, or whatever costume we chose for builder.
Career Day, we’d naively answer whatever passion came upon
our hearts. Remember those good old days? They were carpenters, right?
Actually, in the original Greek
However, as life went on and we outgrew those little coats and text of the New Testament,
oversized suits, the stakes got bigger as well. That once Jesus was a tekton.
seemingly innocent question now feels like being caught at
gunpoint, and whatever choice we make determines whether As stated in an article of
or not the trigger gets pulled. Suddenly it’s not just our Eternity Bible College, “Tekton
passions we have to consider, but myriads of other things we could refer to a carpenter or a
never even thought about when we were younger. Are there stonemason, but the word
many job opportunities available for this course? Would this simply refers to “one who
career provide a stable income? Is this career path feasible in works with his hands.” The absence of either stone or wood as
our society? With all these pressures at hand, how can we be a modifier indicates that the gospel writers didn’t specify
expected to make the right call? which occupation Jesus and his father were engaged in.”
If only the Bible said something about college and courses, He could possibly be a carpenter, or a stone mason, or
right? Well, the Bible might hold more answers to modern day whatever, but the point is, he worked with the strength of His
situations than we realize. While the Bible never comes out back and the sweat of His brow into building something useful
and says what Jesus would have taken in college, we can to society, much like our modern engineers do nowadays.
certainly read it to know what His passions and interests are.
Jesus in Medicine:
Has such a thought ever occurred to you? Taking that question We’ve indeed come a long way when it comes to modern
at a glance, one would think He’d take up theology or religious medicine. We’ve developed medicines that could cure diseases
studies. Considering the fact that He is the Son of God, He’d be that were a death sentence even just a few years ago.
destined to be the world’s greatest preacher! Why would we However, none could still compare to the great healing power
even question such a thing that’s so obvious, right? Well, if we that is in Jesus Christ - the great doctor.
take a closer look, we’ll find out that Jesus did more than just
theology. Giving sight to a blind man, even with all our modern
technology, is still a big improbability nowadays. Imagine that
Let’s look at some courses parallel to what Jesus tackled in His possibility during Jesus’ time. Still, Jesus made it happen. He
life here on earth: made the blind see! Is that not amazing?
Jesus in Engineering How about paralysis?Not even a hit and miss. Leprosy?That’s
From cathedrals, to stadiums, to 100-story sky scrapers, so easy. Severe bleeding? Ain’t nothing but a feeling. Fever?
indeed we’ve come a long way in the area of engineering. You just got to be a believer. Epilepsy? Oh, just you wait and
However, engineering, at its core, is simply the act of building see. Muteness?Stay still and be a witness. Death.Is that even a