Page 21 - WOTS_Issue_69
P. 21

God is ultimately sovereign over our lives (Ephesians 1:9).   our own personal hopes and dreams. If you are like most
        He is in control. God and God alone is omniscient. He is   people with a pulse, you desire “something more.” Allow
        the one that possess all knowledge over everything and   the Holy Spirit to break you of trying to do it all in order to
        everyone  (Isaiah 40:28, 1 John  3:20).  Endlessly  trying  to   give it all away to Him.
        balance all of the things we think we need to do in order
        to have a happy, fulfilling life ultimately comes down to a   “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you
        trust issue. We simply don’t trust that God knows what’s   can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is
        best for our lives. We’re driven to try and do it ourselves.   not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of
        It’s  easy  to  be  driven  to  worry  about  everything  and  to   us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He
        feeling  like  there  is  no  escape  from  it.  We  have  to   has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good
        remember that we worry because we forget who God is.
                                                               things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:8-10 (NLT)

                                                                   MEET  ARTISANS


        Verses  in  the  Bible  that  mention  anxiety  are  often   Cebu  City  has  a  lot  of
        followed  by  reminders  to  pray  (Philippians  4:6-7).  God   unique   crafts   and
        and  God  alone  can  satisfy  our  hearts.  Everything  else   specialty trades, such as
        turns to ashes.                                            basket making.

        “We are not to choose jobs and conduct our work to fulfill   Recently,  we  had  the
        ourselves and accrue power, for being called by God to do   opportunity  to  meet
        something is empowering enough. We are to see work as      Elmo,  a  local  crafter
        a  way  of  service  to  God  and  our  neighbor,  and  so  we   who  has  been  making
        should both choose and conduct our work in accordance      baskets since 1988. He
        with  that  purpose.”   How,  then,  do  we  change  our   learned his trade from
        expectations and priorities to align with God? When we     a friend who has since
        seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, then He will   passed away.
        see that you never lack the necessities of life. Therefore,
        we must give it all over to the Lord (Matthew 6:33-34). If   Throughout the
        we  do,  cruising  that  airplane  at  36,000  feet  won’t   years, Elmo has perfected
        suddenly  make  life  an  easy  walk  in  the  park,  but  it  will   his timing and skills, allowing him to make at least four
        mean our decision-making won’t be based upon ourselves     baskets per day. At 50 pesos each, they’re a bargain.
        or  what  other  people  say  anymore.  Our  decisions  and   Plus, you get to support one of your own local artisans!
        follow-through will be based upon our sovereign God who
        has  our  best  in  mind.  We  won’t  be  tempted  to  keep   If you are wondering where you can buy one of Elmo's
        squeezing more in with no end in sight. We’ll simply try to   baskets  (or  talk  to  him  as  he  makes  them)  you  can
        carry  out  the  mission  God  has  for  us  in  the  context  of   usually find him near CTU.
        where He has put us. Submission to His ultimate authority
        is the greatest peace you can ever hope to find in this life.
        In the end, we should consider whether we truly believe
        that God is better than anything or anyone else, including

                                                                          All biblical references come from Tyndale’s NIV Life Application Bible
                                                                         2  Every Good Endeavor, Timothy Keller, p. 67, 2012
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