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transformation himself will be able to tell other people        see Him change the lives of those around us?
about his radical change. As someone who is completely
transformed by what Jesus Christ has done on the cross and      Do not lose heart. Do not grow weary.
now continually experiences His love and guidance, let us
then not give up on sharing this hope to other people. We       So the next time you might be stuck in the traffic because of
need to help our fellow countrymen anchor their hope on         road repairs and you hear people grumbling about our
Jesus, who is the only one who never sinned and never           country, don’t be ashamed to say, “Repairs for a better
failed. All men are vulnerable to various temptations of lust   future are being done, po. Construction is really messy,
and power. But if one understands that Jesus is our ultimate    noisy and takes a longer time. But once started, there’s no
source of hope, we are not left to follow our president out     stopping what God longs to do here.”
of fear or fanaticism. We are following him because our
ultimate hope tells us in Romans 13:1 to submit to his          1 Philippines still top Christian country in Asia, 5th in world, Inquirer,http://
authority because they are appointed by God. We cannot be
good people ourselves, but it’s because of the grace of God     world, December 21, 2011
that we are able to be citizens with integrity and excellence.
                                                                Change is indeed coming.
BATTLE ON YOUR KNEES.                                           And it’s not just the
The journey to see change happening in this country might       president, it includes us.
be long and arduous, but it is never impossible. For years,
we’ve been longing for a more progressive country. We’ve
been yearning for more job openings, for justifiable taxes,
for agricultural reforms, for healthcare improvement, for
improved educational systems and even for food on the
plates of every Filipino family. We can see it happen, but it
will not come through political channels. It is from God
alone. As we continue to follow Christ, invite more Filipinos
to know the true King. Let us continually pray for our
country. Let us step out beyond our needs, and pray for our
government officials. They are our leaders. Their decisions
can greatly affect our country. Let us pray that they will
move not of their own selfish will or own comfort, but for
the sake of the 100 million Filipinos hoping for

Whenever I hear people say, “Wala nang pag-asa ang
Pilipinas,” my heart sinks. I honestly cannot accept that. I
refuse to believe that this nation has no hope. I refuse to
accept that the next generation is apathetic and spoiled.

How about you?

After all that you see happening in the government,
after all that you have read in this article so far, do
you believe in your heart that our country is on
the road to change? Do you believe that as
we put our hope in Jesus, rally more
people to put their hope in Him and
continue to battle on our knees in
prayer for our nation, we can really
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